Your Electric Kettle Might Just Have Superpowers: Discover 10 Tasks Your Kettle Can Ace!

In most Indian households, we often associate electric kettles with the primary task of boiling water. However, this compact and utilitarian home appliance can be trusted with more adventurous culinary hacks, thus making it an indispensable tool in every kitchen. Your electric kettle can be your savior at all times, whether you’re at home or far away! We’ve hand-picked 10 such ingenious and well, slightly unexpected electric kettle uses for tasks beyond just boiling water:
- Chai and Coffee, All Day, Everyday
Whether it be a cup of coffee in the morning or chai on a rainy evening, no craving is too demanding when you’re armed with an electric kettle! You can steam both water and milk and keep all those extra servings warm for long without having to make extra trips to the kitchen!
- No Pressure Rice
Nothing beats how a steaming serving of rice and peppery Rassam makes you feel, and you can achieve the same without a pressure cooker! You just need to soak rice for 15-20 minutes in your electric kettle and let it simmer! Don’t believe us? Try it out today!
- Soups For Your Soul
We cannot continue talking about electric kettle uses without mentioning soups! You can prepare a bowl of soup and even refill it without pausing your show or leaving the couch!
- Detox, Because You Need It!
Looking to choose the healthier route with detox drinks? An electric kettle could come in handy for you. You can then enjoy a wholesome glass of Kashmiri Kahwa in just a few easy steps!
- Start Your Day The Healthiest Way
That perfect bowl of oatmeal with cut up berries and a dollop of honey sets the mood right for the entire day, and it all gets convenient with an electric kettle. Mix a cup of milk with half a cup of oats for 6-8 minutes and your electric kettle will help you with the rest!
- Boils Your Veggies Before You Change Your Mind
One of the smartest electric kettle uses is for steaming vegetables. Ditch those oily resorts and switch to a healthier alternative! Slice your carrots, beans, broccoli and cauliflowers and chuck them into your electric kettle. You can add salt to taste or generously slather on some lemon vinaigrette and your detox meal is ready to be devoured!
- Quick, Convenient and Ready To Eat!
One of the best electric kettle uses has to be cooking ready-to-eat meals. Whether you’re staying up late, living far away from home, on the top of a mountain or simply in no mood to cook, your electric kettle can cook up an entire meal for you!
- Molten In A Moment!
Melting chocolate while baking becomes quite a task with all those utensils that it involves. Throwing chunks of chocolate in your electric kettle with water doesn’t compromise on the consistency or sound too overwhelming!
- No Germ Goes Unchecked
To sterilise baby bottles, you can boil water in your electric kettle and immerse them for about 10 minutes. You can set a temperature for cleansing bottles without having to face the flame!
- Bid Farewell To Grime And Grease
Another one of slightly off-beat electric kettle uses includes scrubbing grime off utensils and counters! Boiling water can wash off one of the most stubborn stains and germs in minutes!
Life’s mundane tasks become more tolerable when they’re a switch away, and that’s where your electric kettle never disappoints!We sure did deliver on some life-saving electric kettle uses and we don’t intend to leave you confused with which one to pick! We recommend you have a look at the exciting variety of BOSS’s electric kettles!