Is it hard to sum up your love for mayonnaise? Then this thick, creamy and healthy eggless mayonnaise recipe is perfect for you! This versatile mayo can either be had as a dip or a spread.


  • 1 cup oil, any neutral flavoured
  • ½ cup full cream milk, chilled
  • 1 tbspsugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp mustard powder/ mustard sauce
  • 1 tbsp crushed pepper
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp vinegar


Total Time: 30 Minutes | Preparation Time: 15 Minutes | Cooking Time: 15 Minutes | Difficulty: Easy

  • Take oil in large mixing bowl.
  • Add full cream cold milk to get creamy and thick mayo.
  • Add sugar, salt, mustard powder and pepper.
  • Now add lemon juice and vinegar. This will act as preservative and helps to store mayo for longer time.
  • Whip the mixture in BOSS BeatmixPlus Hand Mixer till the milk and oil combines.
  • The mixture begins to thicken and emulsify.
  • After 7-8 minutes the mixture turns into thick and creamy mayonnaise.
  • Transfer the mayo in a bowl or glass container to store.
  • Spread the eggless mayo goodness over bread and relish!
  • Store the mayo for over a week*

Product used for preparation