"Vrat time ... let's eat something healthy. Fruit Chaat is instantly refreshing and rejuvenating. Make it out of fruits of your choice and eliminate those sharp hunger pangs in a minute!"


1 medium apple
1 kiwi
½ pineapple
1 tbsp flavourless oil
Sendha Namak to taste
Cumin powder
Pepper owder

For Serving
4 tbsp Curd
Spicy Honey
Pomegranate Pearls
Fresh coriander leaves


Total Time: 30 minutes | Preparation Time: 15 Minutes | Cooking Time: 15 Minutes | Difficulty: Easy

1. Chop apple, kiwi, pineapple into small parts.
2. In a bowl, add apple, kiwi, pineapple, flavorless oil, Sendha Namak , roasted cumin powder, black pepper powder, honey and mix everything properly until coated well.
3. Now take a wooden skewer and put a dice of apple, kiwi, pineapple and again a dice of apple.
4.Repeat this process with the rest of the fruit on the wooden skewers.
5. Heat a pan and lightly roast them from all sides until lightly golden.
6. On a serving plate spread the curd in a strip then place the skewers, garnish with pomegranate pearls, coriander leaves. Serve immediately.

Product used for preparation